Letter from the Principal
The Colegio Interamericano Middle School seeks to provide a nurturing, yet challenging environment for adolescent students striving to achieve success in a bilingual educational environment. The middle school program supports students through the often difficult academic and emotional transition from childhood to adolescence. In preparation for the demands of high school, students are taught the value of strong organizational skills, personal responsibility and community.
The Colegio Interamericano Middle School is proud to be the only school in Guatemala to offer the International Baccalaureate’s Middle Years Program (MYP). The philosophy of this program is to help students acquire skills that will enable them to think critically, work collaboratively and apply a disciplined approach to their studies. Our teachers strive to implement a challenging and innovative program that inspires students to appreciate the diversities of differing global cultures and beliefs.
As members of a vibrant and distinct Middle School community, students have the opportunity to become involved in a variety of energetic and popular extra-curricular organizations. Our sports program, Student’s Council, Community Service Club, National Junior Honor Society and Destination Imagination offer students an opportunity to contribute to the school and local communities in a variety of ways.

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal