Centro de Recursos y Biblioteca “Elvira Pivaral de Leal”
The Library Media Center at Colegio Interamericano de Guatemala serves the needs of over 1,000 students and a large staff of over 100 teachers, administrators, secretaries, and assistants. The Library Media Center is fully involved in the Age of Technology. We are increasing the number of resources that students can access using computers. Our catalog may be accessed through Online Public Access terminals that permit that information resources be accessed from different terminals simultaneously.

The Library Media Center provides all members of the school community with an access to information, reading and research assistance, and instruction that supports the curricula and educational goals of Colegio Interamericano de Guatemala. Integration of the Library Media Center Program with the curricula fosters a partnership with teachers and ensures that information skills are an integral part of learning so that students will be able to function successfully in the information society. The Library Media Program extends and enhances classroom experiences and helps the development of a lifelong love and appreciation of reading and learning.

Library Media Center Staff
- Mrs. Odette J. Rodríguez, M.Ed., M.L.S. – Library Media Center Coordinator
- Mrs. Silvia I. Perez – Pre & Elementary School Librarian
- Mrs. Amparo Argueta – Pre & Elementary School Library Assistant
- Mr. Juan Daniel De León – Middle & High School Librarian
- Mrs. Emilia Mena – Middle & High School Library Specialist
- Mr. Luis Emilio Bolaños – Computer Lab Assistant
Hours: Monday through Friday from 7:15 A.M. to 4:15 P.M.

Media Center Materials :
The Media Center has a wealth of materials to meet the informational needs of our K-12 Grade students. Students primarily use the Media Center to do research for class projects but they may also be pursuing interests and reading for enjoyment.
- Books – approximately 30,000 books are in the collection including reference, non-fiction, fiction, and paperbacks
- Magazines – 65 titles for both students and teachers include popular periodicals and journals.
- Newspapers – 3 popular local and national papers in print form and online keep our users current with the ever- changing event of the day.
- Recorded Books – 60 popular fiction titles all unabridged
- Videos – a growing collection supports the curriculum
- CDs – 86 titles on varied music ranging from classical, jazz to modern techno
- Vertical File – an up-to-date file of newspaper articles and brochures on current issues, many foreign countries, and other popular topics.

A database of 100s of current magazines many in full text, also, an encyclopedia, images, maps, and the ERIC database for researching educational topics.

"The Library is not a shrine for the worship of books. It is not a temple where literary incense must be burned or where one’s devotion to the bound books is expressed in ritual. A library, to modify the famous metaphor of Socrates, should be the delivery room for the birth of ideas – a place where history comes to life."
Norman Cousins (1915- )
-Cited in ALA Bulletin, Oct. 1954, p.475