Welcome from Dr. Gloria Doll, General Director
Welcome to Colegio Interamericano! As you enter our school, you will meet many persons and many programs, but most important – you will encounter the warm atmosphere that we feel truly captures the Guatemalan spirit.
At “Inter,” we believe that the individual attention and care that our students receive are directly related to their success and well-being. We demonstrate this wherever we can, but especially with our students’ academic work, their extracurricular activities, and with virtually all aspects of student life. We also care for our faculty and staff in the same way. Summary: We are a “people” school, and we are devoted to assisting everyone here to achieve great things.
We are celebrating 30 years of educating students here at Inter. During this time, our graduates have left to enter institutions of higher learning and many have wonderful stories of successful lives and careers. Above all, they share a common bond of love for this school, and many return to enroll their own children here.
We invite you to peruse our campus and its activities. We trust you will find the contagious spirit that identifies our school and its mission among the pages of our website.

Gloria Doll, Ed. D
General Director