Welcome to Elementary
I have been Elementary Principal at Colegio Interamericano since 1988. During these years I have seen this level grow and evolve into a wonderful place for our children to have fun, learn, and develop their strengths and talents.
In addition to our bilingual academic curriculum we have a variety of dynamic recreational, social, and cultural activities. These activities develop skills and multiple intelligences that are operant to their intellectual, physical, and emotional growth.
The English Immersion Program continuously surprises us. It is amazing to see our four-year-old learners speaking in English and our Kindergarteners learning to read and write in English. Some of them can even read by the second semester. It is wonderful to see how self-confident our Elementary students are at using English in their daily life.
This school year special emphasis is being given to developing and reinforcing values in our students. We work with the Six Pillars of Character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Fairness, and Citizenship.
Special attention is given to the reading and writing process, as we consider them basic tools that our students will use during their lives. To support the writing process, teachers are building a 6 + 1 Traits Writing Portfolio that shows a clear view of our students’ progress.
For Interamericano’s Elementary educational community, students are first priority. We give our children the attention, dedication, support, and love they deserve. We care for our students and are constantly striving towards transforming their Elementary education into an even more meaningful experience.

Olga Renata Rivera de Alejos
Elementary Principal |