...And The IB Middle Years Program

Check out the Volcanoes on the Recent Photos page!

Recent announcements: Be sure to see our part of the Announcements Page

Agenda Usage Policy

Parents of Middle School Students: The following forms were sent home with your son or daughter on Monday, February 28th. If you did not see this form, please print a copy and have your child deliver the signed bottom portion to the Middle School Office as soon as possible

AgendaLetter_eng.doc (English)
AgendaLetter_esp.doc (Spanish)

Participation Counts!

“Participation Counts” is a new program for all Middle School students. The goal of the program is to help you become a responsible, organized and positive member of the Middle School community.

Here’s how the system works.

Each student begins with 10 participation points each day.
Points will be deducted for the following:

Incomplete homework
-1 point
Disrupting the class
-1 point
Coming to class unprepared
-1 point
Not bringing your agenda to class
-1 point
Tardy for class
-1 point
Bringing inappropriate items to class
-1 point
Improper uniform (P.E. uniform on P.E. days)
-1 point
Disrespectful attitude, comments or actions
-5 points
Refusing to obey the teacher -5 points

*For very serious offences, such as fighting, 10 points will be deducted and you will be sent to see Mr. Ball.

You may also earn points for the following:

Respecting your classroom environment

+1 point
Demonstrating improvement +1 point

Finding positive ways to resolve conflicts

+1 point

Volunteering to help others

+1 point

Following instructions promptly

+1 point


+1 point

Demonstrating good problem solving

+1 point
Speaking English (all classes that are taught in English) +1 point

A clipboard with students’ names will travel with each 6th , 7th, and 8th grade section to all of your daily classes. Your daily point total is a reflection of your participation throughout the entire day, not just how well you did your job in each of your classes.

For example- If you lose 3 points in your first period class, then you will begin your second period class with only 7 points.

Every Friday, your homeroom teacher will tally and record your total number of points for that week. If your total number of points is 35 or less you will be assigned an after school or Saturday detention.

At the end of each bimester, your point totals will be converted into a percentage. This participation grade will be worth 10% of your bimester grade in every subject.

Your teachers will be explaining this program to you in more detail during homeroom.